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Comic Book Preview: 8/15/12

Comic Books

Comic Book Preview: 8/15/12

The latest Walking Dead is upon us, along with another installment of Avengers vs. X-Men, Saga, as well as J.H. Williams III back to drawing Batwoman. It’s a doozy of a week. We pick our favorite and least favorite covers among the books coming out this Wednesday.

Dave’s Pick

Daredevil #17

Comic Book Preview: 8/15/12

Mike Allred

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Dave: Mike Allred is back to doing superhero comics! Joy! I love the hand which subtly shows off a great depth of field. The sonic waves blasting from his head show action is always going on with DD, even when he’s not moving. A funky cover done by a funky artist. Nobody is doing pop art in the comic realm and I love it.

Brendan: This cover doesn’t interest me at all. I think the cityscape is alright but not very deep. I’ve always found Daredevil to be a bit boring so the fact that on this cover we have him literally standing still while listening for something amplifies the boredom tenfold.

Brendan’s Pick

Captain Atom #12

Comic Book Preview: 8/15/12

Freddie E. Williams

Brendan: This cover is hot Hot HOT. I am in love with the faces and lighting effects. Theres also a great flow of depth that draws you in with our screaming friend, leads you to our horrified middle, and then ends with the cold Cap’n in the back. The light colors work incredibly well to portray the intense heat.

Dave: The layering of faces is a neat touch. It’s seems to be saying there’s a guy, behind the guy, behind the guy. It’s also a nice way to tell three aspects of the story yet have all three pieces separate in some way. It’s also interesting how the detail in the burning face is actually quite pretty.

Dave’s Honorable Mentions:

Dark Tower Gunslinger Man In Black #3 (of 5)

Comic Book Preview: 8/15/12

Alex Maleev

Dave: I’m a big fan of the Dark Tower and I have to say these covers by Maleev are a perfect fit for the series. They capture that sense of horror that’s always lingering but also the wild Western feel. The man in black is decidedly creepy here, but the reflection and the water itself add a magical quality that tickles my fancy.

Brendan: This cover is very pretty. I like the brush stroke effect. It adds a bit of surrealism to our cowboy’s world. The creepy dude in the reflection schtick is a bit generic, but nonetheless haunting.

Zorro Rides Again #11 (of 12)

Comic Book Preview: 8/15/12

Matt Wagner

Dave: Matt Wagner has a special something that gives all of his art a certain weight and tone but it doesn’t have to be hyper detailed. A good comparison is Frank Quitely. That guy has the same sort of weight, but his work is much more detailed. Doesn’t mean they aren’t equally awesome. The butt shot is a bit much here, but I dig the confidence in her body language and the effective use of lighting on that tuckus.

Brendan: Hey, comics don’t always have to be about the tittays, na mean? Sometimes a well rounded posterior is just what the doctor ordered. I enjoy the use of color. It really gives warmth to the fire while representing the cold desert land that surrounds our heroine. The starry sky is quite pretty as well.

Alabaster: Wolves #5

Comic Book Preview: 8/15/12

Greg Ruth

Dave: I picked this cover for concept more than the art, although it’s still a very dramatic and good quality cover. I mean…book wings? How cool is that? I want to see this evil book fairy lay down some justice!

Brendan: I like this cover. It’s very haunting. The floating pages strewn about the cover really add some nice depth and the paper wings are a cool idea. I also enjoy the bloody splatter effect that is used throughout the background.

Brendan’s Honorable Mentions:

Before Watchmen: Rorschach #1

Comic Book Preview: 8/15/12

Lee Bermajo

Brendan: Yeah, the concept is a bit of a gimme but at least it’s executed well. Bermajo does some great shading to make Rorsch a menacing vibe. The blood splatter is also a nice touch.

Dave: Do we all see the little Rorschach in the mask? That’s a neat way of conveying this story is going to tell us his origin. Who’s the man in the mask behind the mask? Very nice touch and once again Bermajo dazzles with his photorealistic style.

Captain Marvel #2

Comic Book Preview: 8/15/12

Ed McGuinness

Brendan: I’m a sucker for homages. Here we have Carol Danvers doing her best Rosie the Riveter impression and I think she pulls it off quite nicely. I’m all for the empowerment of women and that right there is one powerful lady.

Dave: I myself am a sucker for costumes that look realistic. That glove and its elastic quality sure to wet my whistle. That said this cover is a little bare bones for me. It reminds me of a sketch you pay an artist at Comic-Con to whip up in 10 minutes.

Can I just say in the name of fashion, somebody please make that hairdo a real thing. What a sweet look.

Deadpool Kills Marvel Universe #3

Comic Book Preview: 8/15/12

Kaare Andrews

Brendan: Three weeks, three Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe comics. I don’t know why these covers get me so much. I think it has to do with taking a goofy joke character and turning him morbidly serious. These are the types of covers you should find on Punisher comics (another guy who has murdered the entire 616 before). Beyond that, the use of depth and lighting make this cover gorgeous as well. That burning wheelchair alone is enough to make this cover badass.

Dave: Deadpool is looking way too skinny here. His legs in particular aren’t looking quite right. At the very least those thighs need to be a lot thicker. Wouldn’t a healing factor aid with muscle recovery from an intense workout? Time to hit the squat rack, Wilson! I’m pretty sure this is watercolor, which ups the ante when it comes to the quality of the fire and shimmer in the spandex.

Betty & Veronica #261

Comic Book Preview: 8/15/12

Dan Parent

Brendan: This cover teases the idea of Veronica in a Vampirella costume and I am 100% for that. Don’t judge me.

Dave: That stake is looking mighty phallic. Or maybe that’s my sick mind playing tricks on me.

WTF? Category

Where we don’t understand, are insulted by or would rather stab our eyes with acid pops than look at these covers for various reasons.

Supergirl #12

Comic Book Preview: 8/15/12

Mahmud A. Asrar

Dave: Why must female character centric comics get the tentacle treatment on covers? Does this really sell more books? I want to know. Somebody comment below and let me know. You sick bastard.

Brendan: Hey, man. 60,000,000 Japanese dudes can’t be wrong, amirite?

The Activity #8

Comic Book Preview: 8/15/12

Mitch Gerads

Dave: The Activity has been hit or miss for me and on top of that I’m starting to get sick of these covers. Each one is exactly the same, with the world map at bottom and a gun in silhouette bisecting the art at top. This was cool the first time, but every single issue? Not to mention we’re getting ripped off on art! I really dig the top half of this, as it does a great job with motion blur. But how about more cover next time?

Brendan: As someone unfamiliar with the Activity covers I can’t harbor the same complaint. I think it’s a great cover, but that’s probably just because it’s new to me.

Batwoman #12

Comic Book Preview: 8/15/12

J.H. Williams III

Dave: Williams sure can draw pretty things… but maybe we should scale back the number of them. I simply love the star with Wonder Woman, the snakes coiling around Batwoman and even the disgusting blood puking head; but all of them together? Way to give us a headache.

Brendan: I think this cover would have been great if they left WW off the page. My assumption is that someone on the food chain mentioned that there was very little happening on the bottom third and it needed some filler. If it were me, I would have left it blank.

Green Lantern Corps #12

Comic Book Preview: 8/15/12

Fernando Pasarin

Brendan: HEY, DO YOU GUYS LIKE THE COLOR GREEN? Outside of the blinding green light effect that almost makes this cover unbearable, when you do finally work past the burning brights you have no idea what’s going on. Is that minotaur punching a hole in Guy Gardner’s chest? I feel like we’re missing an arm somewhere. What the hell is happening to Guy’s right leg? WHERE is Guy’s left leg? I almost feel like they added the sunspot brightness in order to cover up a bit of shoddy artistry. No offense, Mr. Pasarin, I enjoy the beautifully crafted horse body in our lower third, but it all goes to hell from there on up.

Dave: That’s a decent horse body… but look at where the human torso of the bad guy meets the horse. It’s as if he’s behind the horse rather than a part of it. Everything above that is just frustrating to look at. Instead of Lantern powers flying every which way I see a really gross sneeze taking place. Yuck all around.

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